My name is Pastor Darren Anderson. I am the lead pastor here at Waypoint Community Church in Zeeland MI.
Over the years I have experienced firsthand the heartbreaking reality of having to place a loved one into a psychiatric hospitalization.
Having a supportive family at home who is healthy and ready to receive that person home is vital to a successful return to normal life well beyond the hospitalization. We believe that faith is one of keys to a being successful as well.
If your family is struggling with a loved one who is in the middle of an in-patient mental health hospitalization. We are here to help and pray and support you in this. Our group will meet the 2nd and 4th Wed. of the month from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
This peer led support group is not led by a mental health professional but is meant to be a place for support and prayer and encouragement from others going through the same thing
A confidentiality agreement must be signed when entering.
Join us for prayer and support and encouragement on the 2nd and 4th Wed of the month and feel free to join us for suport on Sunday mornings at 11am as well.