The last couple of weeks have been tough for me. I have fought the hardest battle we fight as followers of Jesus: The battle against myself.


Many of you know that a group of Baristas in West Michigan stepped into my story in a very difficult season and helped me walk through a series of very personal grief moments. During this time, I grew close to this amazing team of people who loved me well and unconditionally even though some them come from completely different backgrounds and belief systems etc. (Another blog post for another time).


BUT over the last 10+ months changes from the top down brought some big changes to those relationships. As the company navigates changing values in culture, the choices the company made distanced me from my friends.  And those friendships began to grow apart and cold.


These changes did not come from them. Nor did these friends have any choice in the matter but the selfishness in me began to grow more and more frustrated.. Not just for me but for many across the land who also have to balance life with feelings of loneliness and isolation.


Last week I sent a strong email to that company frustrated for me and for others that have been impacted… BUT the one who really lost was ME!  IT caused a huge divide between me and my friends which is larger now than ever before… 


Can you relate? There are moments when change comes and it has a negative impact on us. We can allow that selfish nature within us to respond with anger and hurt or we can step back take a breath and realize that change comes whether we like it or not.


Philippians 2:3

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

This verse hits right between the eyes. The changes weren’t the problem. Even the loss of community wasn’t the issue. The issue was me trying to hold onto the past out of a selfish desire for myself not out of a desire to value them above myself. I took it personal.


How this turns out I don’t know! How healing comes and friendships are restored I don’t know yet. BUT I do know one thing: Its up to all of us Jesus followers to ask this question when change negatively affects us:


Am I valuing others in this change over my selfish ambitions?

 So today challenge yourself to look differently at the situations in life you face! Changes happen and they affect us positively and negatively.  Don’t allow yourself to respond to change you can’t do anything about with selfish ambition or vain deceit.