Ephesians 3:20

New International Version

20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us


How much do you dream and imagine? How many times have you been awakened at night by a vivid dream and couldn’t fall back to sleep? How many times have you had a dream so big that only God could accomplish it buy your own fear or doubt in God’s ability to move caused you to never even pray about it?


I have! I’ve wrestled with my dreams and given up. We all have!


This is NOT the life God has called us to in in Jesus!


So what does it mean for us to pray BOLD prayers and to ask God to do more than we could ever ask or imagine in our lives, our communities, our homes and our Churches?


  1. A life dedicated to prayer.

After all, how do  your pray bold gigantic prayers if you don’t pray at all? Begin praying for more than your meals for just 15 minutes a day! Get into the habit of simply praying everyday!

  1. A life dedicated to Holy Living

If you are gonna believe that God can do more than you can ask or imagine, than you need to live like it. Holy Living isn’t just about subtracting negative thoughts, actions and words from your life. Its about adding in practices, words, thoughts that not only glorify God but exemplify a deep faith and belief that God can do anything.


  1. A life dedicated to acts of faith

If you truly believe that God can do anything than your lifestyle and words need to consistently live out in acts of faith.  YUP! Its not one prayer or one aspect but constant steps of faith in every area of your life that will lead to the results you desire.


There are of course many additional things that you can do but start with these 3 aspects of your life and watch what God can do in the process.. Begin to live in such a way that God can do more in your life and in your communities and at Waypoint Community Church